Water’s Edge Clarkville Campus: Just Imagine Offering
Water’s Edge Community Church Year End Video
The Secret: Staying in Love and Serving the Lord
Check out our own Hank & Ebby Hamilton featured here in the Richmond Times Dispatch, Monday, December 20, 2010. Whether doing acrobatics in Virginia Beach, raising their 4 children, building a log cabin in Lake Country, loving their 13 grand-children and 13 great-grand children, or just hanging out in Clarksville, this couple, by the grace of God and His gospel, have been doing it all “as unto the lord” (Col 3:23)–together– for 70 years! So what is their secret? In Ebby’s own words, “Staying in love and serving the Lord.”
Men @ The Cross
Let us unite together and join other
Yes, our schedules are busy with work, household projects, family needs, and community service. How then will it be possible for any of us to break away and seek God’s face together, as Jesus men, even if it is less than 24 hours?
“Seek first the kingdom of God
and His righteousness,
and all these things
shall be added unto you.”
How can we afford not to break away . . .
and seek after God?
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To learn more go to www.menatthecross.org.